Friday, September 26, 2014

Denver Black Sky II Part. 3

Cattle Decapitation, Cannabis Corpse, Early Graves, Phobia, Theories, North, Skinned, Invidiosus, Annul

Thanks to Aaron Saye and his production assistant, Jroo Marquez for the additional footage from Moe's and sound recording at the side stage.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Denver Black Sky II Part. 2

Nails, Noisem, Transient, 908, Doperunner, Rottenness, In The Company of Serpents, Ghosts of Glaciers

Thanks to Aaron Saye and his production assistant, Jroo Marquez for the additional footage from Moe's and sound recording at the side stage.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Starting from today, I will post all the video from Denver Black Sky II. There will be 4 parts.

Today's bands are: Municipal Waste, Cephalic Carnage, Dead Temple, Gomorrah, Cattleist, Wayfarer, Vale of Pnath, Khemmis, The Xiphoid Process.

Thanks to Aaron Saye and his production assistant, Jroo Marquez for the additional footage from Moe's and sound recording at the side stage.